Diamond Peel

Exfoliation, Fine Lines & Wrinkles, Acne Scars Clearance, Fade Sunspots, Even Skin Texture

What is a Diamond Peel

Diamond-peel microdermabrasion is a safe, noninvasive skin resurfacing procedure that deeply polishes and stimulates the skin using densely packed laser-cut diamonds to remove dead skin cells for a smoother, more radiant and flawless complexion.

How Does it Work

Genuine, laser-cut diamond tips gently abrade the upper epidermal layer of the skin to polish the skin surface while a vacuum control stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. The combination of vacuum and pressure ensure diamond-peel uinformity and allow for personalized exfoliation treatments, according to skin type.

  • Not at all. While you may feel a slight tugging on your skin, the treatment is non-invasive, vitually painless, and requires no downtime. You’ll enjoy a comfortable and quite treatment.

  • Using a varied diamond tips, the techonology covers a full scope of aesthetic options, including treatments for thin, sensitive skin, rough skin zones, and hard-to-reach areas.

  • Treatment time varies depending on face and body areas and skin condition. You can expect to complete a full facial in 10 - 15 minutes on average. Rough skin zones and larger body areas may last a bit longer.

  • Results can be seen and felt the very first treatment with an improvement in the skin texture and appearance. An overall, gradual improvement can be expected as treatment course progresses.