Skin Rejuvenation


Vascular Lesions

Acne Removal

Hair Removal

IPL Intense Pulsed Light


Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is a flash-lamp techonology that uses strong light passed through various filters to treat a variety skin related concerns on the face and body.

Ullmann, Y., Elkhatib, R., & Fodor, L. (2011). The aesthetic applications of intense pulsed light using the Lumenis M-22 device. Laser Therapy, 20(1), 23-28.


The intense light specifically and accurately targets pigmented/damaged skin or hair follicles, heats them and then are naturally removed by the body.


  • Virtually pain-free. Our IPL’s contact cooling system, that provides cooling before, during and after each pulse, our light technology treatments provide the most comfortable experiences possible.

  • While each client is different, results for IPL treatments can be seen immediately after the first session.

  • There’s virtually zero downtime. IPL treatments are considered non-invasive, non-ablative procedures.

  • Typically, the number of treatment sessions range from 1-10 treatments, depending upon the actual application needed, and each patient. Please consult with your provider to better understand your individual needs.

  • Although in some skin conditions maintenance is not required, in other one maintenance session is generally recommended every 3-6 months. Your practitioner can advice the best time interval time , for you specific needs.

  • IPL treatments are very common, low risk procedures. Minor bruising or swelling at the treatment site(s) are the most common but still rare side effects. As with any treatment, there are always risks which your nurse provider will walk you through prior to treatment.

  • We offer IPL technology that includes variable configurations , enabling rapid treatments, among the fastest in the industry. Exact treatment time can range from 5 to 40 minutes, depending upon the specific application, each individual client condition, and the specific area that is being targeted for treatment.

  • Our industry leading and proprietary technology allows for ALL skin types for treatment.